留学套磁信要怎么写 套磁信留学写作解析




   I am a graduate student in X.

   My name is X X. I received my degree from X University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

   I am a graduate student of Photonics from Shahid Beheshti University (Tehran, Iran) with a background on {my research}, highly interested in your research area.

   I have recentlV & ` $ E * Y Oy graduated from the University of Tehran, which is the oldest and most prestigious university of Iran, with an degree in Electrical Engineering, xxx, and decided to pursue my studies as a PhD student at a prestigious Canadian university.

   I am writing to inquire about the announced PhD positions in X, announced on your web page.


   I would like fw 6 G * & # M Lor you to supervise my PhD.

   Currently, I am looking for universities and available positions to resume my education in the direct PhD essay writing service on

   TheF x = q 0 W g project seems very attractive and I am extremely interested in working on it under your supervision.

   It would be really an honor for me to pursue my studies under your supervision since, rega4 E , K S s [ w mrding your papers especially “…….”, I found a close relationship between your interests and mine.


   I haveA & O q w read yourg } ; ? + papers X, Y and Z and have a few questions about how the work might be extended. Should I send these questions to one of your P.h.D. students or may I send them to you directly, . S ]

   I’ve read some of your papers such as “XXX”. They are best compatible to my research interest. I am very eager to know your opinion regarding my case in applying to XXX Especially I would be really interested if I: O Y ^ have the chance to become a member of your team.

   I read paper entitled ‘D’ published by your group at ‘E’ and was interested in …

   I recently published a paper ‘F’, which I believe compliments work by ‘G’ in your department on ‘H’.

   I have read your recent jok ; [ _ urnal paper entitled “xx”. As mentioned in the conclusion, t{ G } 6 T j f m she proposed observer may be applicable in the xx. I have gotten very interested in this issue and chosen it as the most likely field on which I want to work if I will be a P.h.D. student.

   During the last two years, I have been tracking yourr x o ` t % s m website and found that you have a vibrant research group.

   After going through your laboratory’s web page, I found myself really interested in your research about the XXX and its promising prospects of xx.

  Regarding your excellent research background and reference public# 8 l c @ g % xations in XXXX group, I bew C - zlieve that joi, : r K @ning your group will help me to improve my knowledge in the same field.

   I read [1,2] to know more about your work on observer design in which I’m currently preparing a paper to submit to EJC. I’ve also read [2] to get a general overview of the battery modeling. This paper realE 6 z ! fly interested me in the first part of the project, failure modeling.

   I have read your related research works to my interests. They sound so$ [ ( 5 T interesting, especials | x X ily your recent paper “…….”. I thiU h y w | : gnk my background is in line with yours in perspective of PPP.


   I would be really grateful if you could please tell me whether there are any available positions for the Fall 2016 semester in your lab, so I can pursue my studies under your supervision.

   Please find attached% V @ : P J c f my CV aR R ] M a { slong with some highlights of my academic background.

   I would appreciate if you could provide me any advice on this endeavor, wondering if there is any chance for me to bez Y u m p one of your PhD students.

   For more information, I have attached my resume as a PDF file.

   Thank you in advance for taking the time and reading my email, I look forward to your kind response.

   Best regards,





  ③千万不要胡说八道,谎话连篇。比如你说你在什么网站上已经发表了多少论文,哎呦,不错;教授m d 7 @ 5 [ 5 4 !感兴趣之下打开了网站,搜索,显示不存在,是不是打错字了,再搜索,还是找不到,结果是,你完了,彻底凉透。






  首先是把自己的邮箱正式化) { J ; 4 x



  ④对于母语不是英语; A n ]的同学,记得备注你的英语能力测试水平。




2021-4-18 15:26:24


出国留学套磁模板介绍 怎样准备套磁信写作

2021-4-20 15:26:23

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