Name: Dahong Xu (Rainy)
Address: 601-3-8 Gudang District, Hangt } L = 9 E izhou, Zhejiang, China
Tel (mobile):01234567890
Guildford College of F. and H.l - | u 1 7E. May--June 20xx Short course. # Z d f I @ t in Culinary Arts and English
Stoke Park
Surry, England
Hangzhou Zhongce Vocational School Sep.20x2 f K # Y Hx—Jun.20xx Culinary Arts
Hangzhou Fe[ F 7ngtan Middle School Sep.20xx—Jun.20xx General School Studies
Exams Taken
Hangzhou Zhongce Voc) E 8 %ational School End of semester’s exams 20xx--20xx
(English, Chinese, Math, Operations&theory)
Hangzhou Fengtan Middle School Final exam 20xx
2 8 u 8(English, Chinese, Math, Science)
End of semester’s exams 20xx--20xx
(English, Ch^ k ) Ginese, Math, Science)
Practical experience during studies
Personal Interests and Hobbies:
In the free time I enjoy reading novels if it is interesting I will keeG y 6 z rp on reading. And I like playing with animals especially dogs and cats. Also I enjoy watching films may be all the kinds of the films except war and action, and listening to the international music, but my favorite thing is learning languages.
Kevin Hooper
GuilS N Y =dford College
Suw p W n e N S trry, England
name: xxx(rainy)
adH a +dress: xxxgudang district, hangzhou, zhejiang, china
tel (mobile):xxxxxxxxx
e-mail* 8 G , k:[emailprotected]
guildford college of f. and h.e. may--june 20xx short course in culinary arts and english
stoke park
surry, england
hangzhou zhongce vocational school sep.20xx—jun.20xx culix Q ^ O M A `nary arts
hangzhou fengtan middle school sep.20xx—jun.20xx general schok : f | ) = p ol studies
exams taken
hangzhou zt [ Q ] b } ; Uhongce vocational school end of semester’s exams 20xx--20xx
(english, chinese, math, operations&theory)
hangzhou fengtan middle school final exam 20xx
(english, chinese, math, science)
end of semester’s exams 20xu - V 6 , M [ ex--20xx
(english, chinese, math, science)
work experience
practical experience during studies
personal interests and hobbies:
in the free time i enjoy reading np 6 W Uovels if it is interesting i will keep on reading. and i like playing with animals especially dogs and cats. also i enjoy watching films may be all the kinds of the films except war and action, and listening to the international music, but my favorite thing is learning languages.
-Nonimmigrant Visa Resume Template
Date and country of birth:
Name and date of birth of spouse: (if applicable)
NamH n 1 1 U x [ 0es and dates of birth of children: (if applicable)
Address and Contact information:
List here all universities and higher education institutions you have attended, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information:
Name of university
Dates of study
Degree level
Degree major and minou , l : 7 & m mr_ { 5 V L ys
Area of research
Title of theU f H Ysis
Work experience
8 P K ? | w & g List here all paid and voluA [ W xntary work you have perf4 G k `ormed and positionW i N ~ D u ?s held, starting with the most recenO ; R O i ut. You shoM L ` iuld include the following information:
Name of company, organization or institutions
J2 . / 8 n F +ob titles
Dates of jobs
Detailed area of responsibility, research interests, project descriptions and applicz F { wations of research
Expertise in special software, machinery op equipment
Awards and patents
Have you received/won any awards related to your research or work at university or at work- Please list these.
Do you hold any pate[ , Y Mnts- List name, patent number and year registered.
List of publicatioz X . U # + c S .ns
List here all your publications you have published in China and overseas.
Include the title of the published article, the date it was pV . } sublished and the name of the magazine, newspaper, book, etc it was published in.
Other outside interests/experience List here any clubs you belong to, any memberships you hold, your interests and hobbies
Other skills
For example computer skills, languages you speak, driver''s license or other permits, etc
Have you ever traveled overseas- List countries, purpose and dates of travel
Statement of Inte! N D g Hnt
For students and exchange scholars:
P9 X V H ! 1roposed Study
Give a brief but detailed description of proposed area of study, including resea? l I E B R Prch methods and applications of the research
State supervisor's/professor's name and his/her area of expertise
State instJ B O J s Z :itution and department where this research is to be done
For business-related travel:
Proposed schedule
拓展阅读:b 6 ^ i + ; R出国留学简历怎么写?
1、个人信息(Personal Information)
邮件尽量随国外习惯,注册Gmail或Hotmail,因为有些国内邮箱可能会存在收不到国外邮件的D n [ K M一个现象,建议同学们需要申请一个国内外通用的邮箱。另d + o W I A 0 Z外注意设* ! P = _ 2 L %置取消屏蔽选项,否则收到的回复邮件有可能会被B % o B f - O当成垃圾邮件。
2、教育背景(Education Background)
包括:学位、专业、就读院校、入学时间和毕业时间、GPA等信息。教育背景这个模块还是要遵循亮点突出原B X p H O G则。
高GPA直接放没y S V V $ S h y Z问题(比如90/100,或者3、5/4、0以上);低GPA一般建议不放(比如80/100,或者3、0/4、0以下);如果GPA的整个趋势是向上的,; _ P 2 ^ M a后期GPA不错,可以单独列后期的GPA;排名高(比如10%)可以强调排名;转专业学生可以重点标出学习过的先修课。
需要注意的是有的同学GPA较低并不是因为成绩不好,2 q X L = s 0而是学校评分相对严格。这种情况需要大家去学校的教务处,让他们开一份学校排名证明的文件,和成绩单一同发给学校。