即Personal Information。包括姓名,出生日期,性别,地址,联系电话和电子邮箱等。
1) 西方人经常混淆姓与名,导致录取后发的I20表格上姓名颠倒。然后还得联系学校修改后再邮递过来,很麻烦。所以建议在简历或者填各种申请表格中采用姓的汉语拼音都大写,名的汉语拼音仅首字母大写,姓与名的先后次序倒不重要。当然,还可以把自己的姓名及性别作为简历的标题如Mr. Ming ZHANG。
2) 在美国,出生日期的格式是月日年。如1987年5月28日出生,那么应填05/28/1987。
3) 地址一定填准确,否则可能延误收到录取包裹。如果家庭住址不方便收包裹,可以在简历里分开写上mailing address (邮寄地址)和permanent address(家庭地址),这样学校一般会把包裹寄至mailing address。如果你住的是小巷小街,建议不要翻译地址,直接使用拼音。
4) 联系电话的话应该在电话钱加区号和国家好,用短横线隔开,城市区号前不加“0”,如北京座机格式是0086-10-65229780,而手机是0086-1371066666。
5) 电子邮箱非常重要,一定留一个有效的,因为申请过程中邮件会成为你和学校间的主要沟通方式。
即Educational backgros D x c 2 { S Fund。倒着时间来写,即最近的教育经历放前面。内容包括毕业/在读学校名,起止时间,所谓学位,所学专业,如果综合GPA或者专业GPA较高或者班级排名比较好,可以重点突出。还可以把核心课程,与申请相关的部分课程罗列出来。
三.工作或科h k j研经历
即Working & Research Experience。也是倒时间把重要的经历写出来,和申请专业相关的经历可以稍微详细点。包括公司名称,工作岗位,主要职责与成就等。申请研究生学历,这部分比较重要,尤其是MBA专业,一J V - a定好好写。
即Extracurricular Activities。主要展现个人素质的全面发展,以R G 3 6 O x G % [及个人对集体和社会的责任感。本科申请者很多都是无工作实习和科研经历,所以这部分尽量能写多些。但重点突出,平淡无奇或者对申请专业无多大关联的就不用写了。
即publisions。包括题目,作者,时j R $ l m ( H A间,杂志(包括页码)(中英文,以原发表为准)。
即others。包括标准化考试成绩,计s _ U r o算机水平,主要的实验技能,兴趣爱好等。如果留学语言分数不错的话,应重点强调,分列各单项成绩。兴趣爱好中如果有极限运动,登山赛车等体现冒险和创新精神的,可以重点介绍。
个人的教育经历、论文发表、科研经历、实习工作经历,是简历中含金量最高的部分,应当放在简历的最前半部分,且占整篇简历的F { D Y60%以上。然而仍有很多学生却将姓名、性别、生日、联系方式等次要信息占掉简历的前30%。
项目部分着重突出个人职责。看简历的人一般都是本专业的教授,既然是教授,那他们可能一看到我们的科研项目,就知道这个项目怎么做,所以: Y r无需花篇幅去写研究背景、项目介绍。重要的是申请者在这个项目中的职责,最好是表述清楚申请者在该项目中运用什么知识或者软件、做了什么、最后实现了什么。
因为在网申中,所有的学校都会问到申请s [ Q K w W s者的语言成绩和专业课成绩,因此对于一些硬件成绩并不是很理想的学生,最好不要将GPA和GT成绩写在简历上,一来这部分内容会占去简历一些空间,显得简历并不是很简洁;二来成绩不理想,并不能给我们的简历加分。
删掉简历中的废话。比如学生的一个比赛名称是“Robot Assembly and Design”,却又在个人职责里写Designed and assembled a robot。看名称就知道学生设计和组装了机器m 4 O K人,职责里面再说一] ` z遍,相当于废话,可以删掉。再比如学生的实习是在某某公司,却在个人职责里面写worked as a technical trainee in Xv 3 P g 7 ;XX,也是废话连篇,直接在实习单位后面写Position: technical trainee即可。
统一时间格式,用数字就全都用数字,用简写就全都用简写,如果第一段经历精确到月份,后面提到的其他经历也都精确到月份,不要一会儿写05/2013-06/2015,一会儿写2014.03.21-2016.02.18,一会儿写April 2015一会儿又写one year。
八、F N O o 1对于比较稀有的奖项或名称稍作解释
第一次提到的名称并且下文还会多次提到,可以提供简称。比如学生有段在加州伯克利的交流访问经历,那么在第一次提到伯克利的时候可以注明简称UCB,在下文不管是在伯克利b _ u q l M 4做项目还是参加课外活动,W ~ ? U X直接用简称UCB即可,而不必写全称University of California Berkeley, 浪费简历的空间。
Y Q 9 Z c O _ =十、简历中避免出现I,we,they等主观性词语
简历中避免出现I,we,they等主观性词语。简历本身就是申请者本人 G R的经历罗列,所有涉及到的经历都是申请者本人的,所以无需用I,更不用we或者they,外国教授看不懂we指的是谁,they又是谁。简历的重点在申请者本人参加了什么或者做了什么。
Information architecture professional with over 9 years of experience working with Internet technologies.
Strong background and skills in usability, needs aQ 7 P wssessment, prototyping, user interface design, and development. Master’s candidate in Information Management with a concentration in Human-Computer Interaction. Seeking posi@ f v 7 b i Wtions in Information Architecture, User Experienc/ { 8 n u xe and/or Interaction Design.
University of California at B; k v ?erkeley, Berkeley, CA May 2006 (expected)
Master of Information Management & Systems
Selected Coursework: Needs & Usability Assessment, User Interface Design & Development,Information Organization & Retrieval, XML & Related Technologies Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, NY May 19B w a r q95
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology (minorT E n 9 in Biology)
Thesis: “How Canadian Multicultural Policy Has Affected Ethnic Identity” (research included conducting ethnographic interviews)
Database Usability Consultant, Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley Jan 2006-present
Design and conduct user interviews and testing to pinpoint user problems with database interface.
Analyze findings, make design recommendations, and implement redesign.
Find and fix bugs in the PHP and mySQL code for final deployment of application; ` W 4.
Mobile Shopper Mobile Prototype Workshop January 2006
W+ f = m 4 7orked with a small team of developers to design and imple0 x Z E ] A R Tment a shopping application for the mobile phone using Python for Symbian OS and PHP for; # m u 3 a week-long workshop.
Presented prototype to peers and Yahoo! Research team.
Graduate Student Instructor, School of Information Management, UC Berkeley Sept-Dec 2005
Prepared and led discussion sessions on various technical, social and economic topics dealing with search engine technologies. [course info]
Gave advice and graded assignments and projects for a class of around 100 students.
HCI Researcher, SAP Research, Palo Alto, CA Jun-Aug 2005
Conducted and produced a literature survey that investigated methods of mapping content to user and device-specific interfaces for the proactive user interface project.
Built a prototype to illustrate content mapping based on user profiles, pipelines and XSLT.
Identified a model-based mapping framework and presented findings to peers and other departments.
Webmaster,W ] C q Q [ F c Center for Social Services Research, UC Berkeley Jul 2001-May 2005
Restructured the CSSR website [homepage] to improve consistency, logic, and usability based on information architecture principles.
Completely rebuilt a small static HTML website into a large, complex, dynamic websiq , l 2 d {te with ASP server-side programm? t p g Ning.
Orig[ & finated a file-naming convention to organize and access data logically and consistently.
Established an extensive QA tracking system working with QA team to catch errors.
Added a searchable publications database with computer/PDA-accessible PDF downloads.
Using SAS-generated XML, generated printer-friendly/web-friendly pages using Xd 7 6 K T 2 = _ WSL.
Optimized search engine rankings with registration, meta-tags, and link-trades with related websites. Analyzed server logs.
Hired, trained, managed assistants to help update the websi2 E T , 3 Kte. Created training documentation.
Web Developer, Terra Lycos, Inc., San Francisco, CA Apr 2000-May 2001
Successfully delivered multiple "Artist Special Feature" pages for Lycos Music's largest client,(1M+ page views per feature). These top priority projects were highly time-sensitive and promoted throughout the network. [Lycos Music] [Hotbot]
Hand-coded web pages using DHTML and ASP (in VBScript) according to design specifications.
Worked with Product Managers, Designers, and QA to ensure timeliness and quality of projects.
Webmaster/ Communications Associate, International Center in NY, New York, NY Jan 1997-Feb 2000
Supervisn 3 a ved development, redesigned layout, edited, formatted, promoted new website [homepage]
and newsletter to recruit potential volunteers and international studenE w c x P * ~ Lts.
Conducted mon~ O !thly internet and e-mail workshol + ^ # Dps for members and volunteers.
Devised complex SQL queries, reports using dbase IV, Access databases for targeted mailings.
Marketing Assistant / Tracking Coordinator, Jumbo.com, New York, NY Sept-Dec 1996
Tracked cost-per-1000-impressions (CPM) for online ads to ensure contractual compliance.
Developed documentation & trained co-workers on ad-serving NetGravity software.
Participated in needs assessment, requirements gathering, user interviews, design, develD g G fopment, prototyping, implemenX h f ~ ! , $ q Mtation and/or documentation in a number of class projects.
Social Responsibility Barcode Project [final project documentation] Fall 2005-present
Consumer application that scans product ID to return social and environmental manufa % S N 0 5cturing data. Proof-ofcon~ y R fcept prototype developed for Flash lite plug-in and Symbian OS on the mobilf / F y ~ | & M -e phone.
UFOVis [project website] Fall 2005 Visualization of UFO sighting data incorporating the Yahoo! Maps API.
Collaborative B! e 4 G } + / +argains Database Application Fall 2005
Shopping deals aggregator and search application developed using PHP and mySQL database.
S= V V F k ? ~IMs/ P c ater Peer-to-Peer Network Application Spring 2005
Distributed computing application that searches for, connects, and exchanges data with peer nodes on the network.
FilterFeeder prototype application Spring 2005
RSS feeds application that filters out/for subject keywords developed with smallx pipeline technology and XSL.
Mobile Phone Art Tour Application [project website] Fall 2004
Faceted metadata classification framework for a mobile public art tour applicatiF / J V ^ don using Protg ontology edit$ X T H Q y ? kor.
Software: Dreamweaver, Front| 8 & .Page, EditPlus; Visual InterDev, Eclipse, Perforce, NetBeans, Smallx Pipeline
Technology, Ant; ImageReady, Photoshop, Media Cleaner Pro, Real Video plug-in technology, Macromedia Flash 8, Flash Lite, Aldus P0 v x f Z 3ageMaker (Mac and PC), Visio; SPSS, Access, Dbase IV, ACT, MySQL and Oracle databases; WS-FTP, Cross-browser compatibilik + B v Gties.
Programming Languages: ASP (in VBScript), PHP, Python (Symbian OS), Java (working knowledge), JavaScript,CSS, DHTML, AJAX, HTML (hand-coder), XML, XSL, and SQL.
Other: Korean, French. Excellent written and verbal communig S D P U Y r rcation skills. Demonstrated team player. Thrives in collaborative environments.