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1.申请人B 9 ( [ G 0 ,原住国的条件;
所写句子要简洁明了,根据内容进行分段,不需要* 8 x 2 `啰嗦很多。本文中,写自己成长于哪里哪里一句话带过已经足够了,再多写一些就是啰嗦。写文书需要谨记每一句都是为整体服务,如果不是很需要,就说明句子还能继续优化。可以请别人多次阅读所完成的文书,一步步剔除不恰当的表达。
一份文书虽然需要包含多项内容,但长度仍需注意,不要太长,不要发散地去讲自己本身有Y ! ;多优秀有哪些优势,这些是需要学校方面做出判断的,不要对自身条件做夸大。
Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, No. 100 Waihuan Xi Road, Guangzhou Higher Education MegaCenter, Panyu District, Guangzhou China, 510006
Dear Mr. /Mrs. :
I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter. This is a letter of my motivation to apply for the Master degree of Precision Manufacturing(MPM) of University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).
First, allow me to intro$ Q o I ( k ,duce myself. My name is Liu Yang. I’m a fir] , Z o o Y B #st grade postgraduate of Guangdong University of Technology(GDUT). My major is Mechanical Engineering and Automation. I get my bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation at Wuhan University of Technology in 7thJuly, 2007. After I graduated from my university, I worked in Jiangling automobile joint-stock company for about 1year. Then I took the Postgraduate entrance examination and was enrolled in GDUT at last.
There are some hearty reasons whb j ^ gy I like SUPSI and the major of MPM:
First,I am interested in MPM, for I have been studying in Mechanical Engineer- ing and Automation since I started my university life. It’s well known that this major plays a foundationa- Q ) + yl role of the developing of industry and it is easy for us to find a , in my opinion,is a similar major with Mechanical Engine- ering a: ` Z 0 [ D Fnd tly speaking, it’s the specialization and concretion of Mechanical Engineering and Automation. MPM in SUPSI based on a set of prominent and well balanced lectures that not only promote indiO 4 3 7 4 ^vidual profess- nal skills and cultivate their ability but also their creativity, management level and shape attitude. I think I can get more professional knowledges than I can get inlanw l : I 6 Y .d and extend my knowledge fields to enhance my competitive strength.