


  Motivation Letter

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I would like to apply for the English-Taught Master degree in Communication Engineering, which starts in December 2019. I am a BSc(Eng) in Telecommunications Engineering with Management, which is a joint degree program between Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications(BUPT) and University of London.

  Reasons for choosing CE of RWTH Aachen

  I had spent nearly two years seeking the way of my life from 2017 till 2019.

  Initially, as a freshman, I concentrated on the work of Student union and Beijing IETYME (Institution of Engineering and Technology Yong Member Section). As a result of my hard work, I was elected vice president in the third semester. However, instead of feeling much pleasure and excitement, I could not work up too much enthusiasm for the iterative activities.

  Then I understood that the work of organization management didn’t really fit me. Naturally, I transferred my focus to study. I was heartily satisfied when I overcame puzzles even though the two-year distraction brought me great difficulties at the beginning. Since then, I started to realize that this should be the way of my life.

  I also found that I am most attracted by subject concerns with communication systems and excelled in courses such as Introduction to the Communication, Telecommunication Systems, Signals and Systems Theory, Internet Protocols, Digital Signal Processing and Microwave & Optical Transmission.

  Through these courses, I learnt the simple infrastructure of communication system and basic theories such as Sampling, Quantization, Channel Coding, Queuing Theory, Fourier Transforms, Wireless Network, Digital Filter Design and Routing Protocol. However, I was still confused with questions like what parameters would influence the practical operation of equipment, how to integrate the single units, how can I make improvement to avoid disadvantages of existing theories.

  In the summer of 2018, I participated in school laboratory which took charge of MIMO System optimization, one of national key scientific research projects. I keenly felt the lack of knowledge over that period, and was figuring how to exactly calculate the channel capacity in different conditions, how to instantly transfer channel state information (CSI) to transmitter antennas, how to apply the ideal model in the complex realities. I found these questions very fascinating.

  Obviously, it is impossible to solve those questions with the current knowledge I leant in my undergraduate period, thus I decided to further my study. Another important reason is that what we learnt lags far behind reality, which can’t support me in operating advanced equipment. For example, the 8051 microcontroller I learnt in the course of ‘Microprocessor System Design’ was applied in 1990s.

  While doing microwave experiment, my teacher mentioned that among the top three companies: Anritsu, ROHDE&SCHWARZ and Agilent, which produce VNA, R&S owns the unparalleled predominance compared with the other two companies.

  Germany owns the most advanced technologies, the best research groups, first-rate industrial technology and rigorous elite education system, which strengthen my wish to continue my studies in Germany. RWTH Aachen University, which is among the best in Germany, enjoys an excellent international reputation and brings together many distinguished scholars.


  sich bewerben 申请

  motivieren 说明...动机;激发

  sich mit D auseinandersetzen 深入研究

  berzeugen 说服

  abschlieen 结束(常加Studium)

  fortsetzen 继续

  verbessern 提高

  sich interessieren fr 对...感兴趣

  Gelegenheit erfassen 抓住机会

  Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

  Ich freue mich darauf, wenn Sie sich Zeit nhmen, meinen Antrag zum Visum nach Deutschland zu prfen.

  Mein Name ist xx, ich komme aus xx. Hiermit bewerbe ich mich um xx. Ich habe schon mein Studium von der Uni xx abgeschlossen und mein Fach ist xx. Whrend meines Studiums habe ich xx gemacht. (可以详细阐述一下大学期间的经历)

  Ich interessiere mich fr xx und ich habe auch erfahren, dass das Fach an der Uni xx das beste ist. Im folgende werde ich auch die detaillierte Grnde und Ziele erklren: Erstens, xx . Zweitens, xx. Drittens, xx . (详细阐述申请的理由与目的)

  ber dieses Fach habe ich viele professionelle Bcher gelesen ,darber hinaus habe ich manche Artikel verffentlicht. Durch meine Erfahrung bin ich berzeugt, dass ich Qualifikation habe. (可以讲讲自己阅读相关专业的书籍或发表研究的方向,以显示专业性)


  1.Rechtschreibfehler sind im Motivationsschreiben Todsnde.


  2. Nicht oberflchlich sein, inhaltlich argumentieren.


  3. Nicht angeben, authentisch sein – man muss sich bei Bewerbungen nicht hinter einer Fassade verstecken.


  4. Zeit nehmen und andere Leute das Motivationsschreiben gegenlesen lassen – vier Augen sehen mehr als zwei.




2021-7-3 15:27:19



2021-7-21 15:26:58

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