


  Objet : Candidature pour le Master ?Management de la Culture,des Arts et du Patrimoine?parcours Gastronomie, Vin et Tourisme

  Canton, le 17 novembre 2017


  Je me permets de vous adresser ma candidature afin de poursuivre mes tudes au sein de l’ITBS de l’Universit d’Angers.

  Je suis actuellement en 4me anne de l’IFCT de l’Universit de Guangzhou et j’obtiendrai en juin 2012 un dipl?me de licence d’ingnierie des services du tourisme, option h?tellerie et restauration.

  Ma candidature est le rsultat d’une rflexion profonde sur la qualit des disciplines dispenses par L’ITBS d’Angers. Mes centres d’intrts sont en grande partie lis cette formation et comme tout le monde le sait, la France possde une longue histoire et une culture brillante dans le domaine de la gastronomie et du vin ce qui me sduit beaucoup. Quand j’tais enfant, j’avais comme v?u le plus cher de dguster toute les cuisines du monde et d’avoir le gnie de faire la cuisine. J’espre donc que vous pourrez me donner cette occasion de raliser ce voeu, et de pouvoir approfondir mes connaissances dans ce domaine.

  Lors de mes quatre annes passes l’universit, j’ai dvelopp la ma?trise de la langue fran?aise mais aussi la connaissance professionnelle du tourisme. Ce sont deux matires o je me sens l’aise, qui me plaisent vraiment et qui sont indispensables pour le parcours Gastronomie, Vin et Tourisme. Pendant mes stages canton, j’ai rencontr beaucoup de fran?ais, et j’ai particip de nombreux vnements fran?ais, qui m’ont permis de me familiariser avec le savoir vivre et la pense fran?aise. Chaque exprience a renforc ma dtermination de partir tudier en France, et j’ai confiance en moi, aussi je compte vraiment sur cette opportunit.

  En attendant l’occasion de pouvoir vous dtailler les lments voqus ci-dessus lors d’un entretien, je vous prie d'agrer, Monsieur, l'expression de mes salutations distingues.


  I am a junior student coming from Arts & Metiers ParisTech in France which is a mechanical engineering school and whose main task is cultivating general engineer. I have a good command of professional knowledge, and I am also capable in practice through study and experiment. However, I still long for a further study and improving professional skills, so I look forward to majoring in design of rotating machine at cranfield university in UK.

  There are four reasons why I long for an further study in cranfield university. Firstly, I ache with desire to experience and have education of a comprehensive university which has professional studies in different majors rather than a general engineering school. Secondly, I need to improve my English urgently. It is of great help in job hunting mastering English, French and my mother tongue Chinese. Lastly, I realize that I have great interest in machinery, and generally speaking I have a good report at some courses in my first school year, such as stress analysis, bearing design and gear design, so the knowledge I have mastered laies a solid foundation for me to further study design of rotating machine.

  I am confident I will have a good performance if your esteemed school would like to give me the entrance chance. On the one hand, my social experiences help me a lot. I have a good adaptive ability and I can merge into new environment quickly.

  For example, I had no idea about French as a foreigner at the very beginning, and I had never been in touch with French when I graduated from senior high school. After that I started to study french, and I entered Arts & Metiers ParisTech after three years of study. My work experiences make me deal with interpersonal relationship very well. I worked in a Chinese restaurant in the past, and I alsoworked as a trainee at Photonics Bretagne.

  On the other hand, I perform well at school. I have a good understanding in theory and I can understand the formula analysis thoroughly, moreover I like to share my opinions with members in group work, so I am competent for group work with students coming from different countries at Cranfield University. And I want to be a mechanical design engineer in motor corporation in the future, and majoring in design of rotating machine at cranfield university is of great help for the position.

  In conclusion, I have strong desire to further study at your esteemed univeristy. I really hope I will have the opportunity to improve my professional skills as well as overall quality, and it is a great honour for me to study and practice at the honorable school.



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2021-5-5 15:26:57

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