











  你在你的PS和RL里首先要写大量的专业性的东西,并且在写RL的时候尤其要以指导老师的口吻写很多你做实验的细节性的东西,并且说你如何解决了一些决定性的问题。因为谁都可以说自己做了什么什么很难的东西,可是如何让对方信服,就看这些细节性的东西了。就象去骗签证官,如果你无法说出一两个专业名词的t F k 7 c话,即使` A T A D t * F有大学毕业证书证明你是哪所学校什么专业毕业的,也不能让签证官相信你确实是去美国上学,而不是去打工或移民什么的。因为任何文件都可以造假,而你的思想是造不了假的。你要尽量把你的思想给反映出来。道理是一样的。

 e i d 2.个性原则

  我相信申请出国的M x J )大多数人都不是牛人。当你不是牛人,无法向对方吹嘘自己是多么的聪明的时候,你就必须向对方展现自己的个人魅力。当你坐在计算机前开始写作的时候,你一定要想清楚自己是什么样的人,自己有什么优点。


  这两个原则本来都不想写,因为觉得谁都应该知道的,可是考虑到可能还是有人没能明白这个原则,所以还是得写。有一个朋友就是这样的。他的第一篇PS给我看了,他谈到了他父亲的死对他的影响,谈到了要为中国的富强做出贡献(看的我好感动),可是他对自己人生的闪光点却只字未提。我O T g对他说要重写,而且第一篇一个字也不能保留。他的PS应该是这样的:他于某某年以全年级第一名的成绩被保送到北京大学化学系(并且此时要注明全年级有多少人),并且北京大学是全中国排名第一的大学。又因为在北京大学学习优秀,在多少多少人中脱颖而出,在某某年获得年级或系里的奖学金。并且又于某某年因为在多少人中h } O # 8 J }排名多少名,被著名的北京大学保送到著名的中国科学院读研究生,等等。


  西方人喜欢自我表现,他们喜欢自信的人。不管你是写PS,还是去见签证官,或是以后在课堂上做presentation,你都要牢记这个原则。所以自信原则是贯穿于你的PS始终的。你要象展示你的传家宝一样自信的向他们展示你闪光点,也要以expert的语气大谈你做E P 0 y g j Z过的课题。所Z r S 3有你的这些语气,都会为你赢得不少分数的。


  所谓的清楚原则,就是你的PS中没有任何有疑问的地方。就象写专业论文一样,如果有缩写,在出现的第一次,你一定要写出它的全称,打个H O { i 1 S s括号写上缩写(当然是除了众所周知的,譬如GRE,TOEFL之类的)。如果你拿过奖学金,一定要象我在优势突出原则中写的那样,要注明是在多少人的竞争中拿到的。并且,你上的大学排名多少也一定要注明。因为外国人是不可能非常清楚地了解中国大学的情况的,所以你一定要给别人留下清楚的感觉。这样,你的才华才不会被埋没。


  这个原则来源于我看到的OF156表上,申请学生签证时必须填的学习计划{ 2 s G j L d M l。以后大家会看到,这一项中给的空格特别N o o小,估计也只够写下30-x ; V V i W N40字的,而学习计划则是多么庞大的一个课题啊!


  Dear Sir or_ Madam,

  I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter. This is a letter of my motivation to apply for the Master degree of Precision Manufacturing (MPM) at The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).

  First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is XXX. I’m a first grade postgraduate of Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT). My major is Mechanical Engineering and Automation_ S O l . I get my bachelor dM u z b + O 7 x segree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation at Wuhan Universityw b h L of Technology on 7th July 2011. After I graduated from my university, I worked in Jiangling Automobile Joint-stock Company for about 1 year. Then I took the Postgraduate Entrance Examination and was enrolled at GDUT at last.

  There are some hearty reasons why I like SUPSI and the major of MPM.

  Firstly, I am interested in MPM, for I have been studying in Mechanical E* w e { J A ! 1ngineering and Automation since I started my university life. It’s well known that this major plays a foundational rok F a - 7 # / 8le of the developing of industry and it is easy for us to find a job. MPM, in my opinion, is a similar major with Mechanical Engineering and Automation. Exactly speaking, it’s the specialization and concretion of Mechanical Engineering and Automation. MPM in SUPSI based on a set of prominent and well balanced lectures that not only promote individual professional skills and cultivate their ability but also their creativity,w L } v : d S q a management level and shape attitude. I think I can get more professional knowledge than I can get in land and extend my knowledge fields to enhance my competitive strength.

  Secondly, SUPSI can offer me good teaching quality. SUPSI is one of the eight universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland. Thj A !e university focuses on education based on professional need and on applied research, and at the same time, it provides a practice-oriented education and offers a wide range of master’s programs. The educational goad of MPM at SUPSI is to shape new professional figures characterized by research and operate skills through an effective training path constantly merging research and education. For my part, I prefer practice-oriented educatio^ L ^ A i Q Vn to pure research-oriented.

  Thirdly, SUPSI can afford me a good environj t d f @ (ment to study. According to Global Competi7 U T c T _ =tiveness Report 2009-2010, Switzerland ranked number one among a total of 131 survR 7 H C ? l Aeyed countries. It’s a reflection of a world-class capacity for innovation, combin3 | 5 5 { + 2ed wit! : f F / K +h a highly sophisticated business culture. The country has a well-developed infrastructure for scientific research, with close collaboration between the leading ri R Cesearch centers and industriG 3 H X P r z p des. What’s more, the t@ D qop-notch infrastructure, well-built education and health care systems as well as clean and beautiful environment all provide a safe, convenient, comfortable and healthy living enw ( H U R * w 3vironment for me to live and study.

 Y ) , G 8 ) T d Additionally, SUPSI gives a preferential tuition fee. The institution cooperates with our university. Due to cooperation between the Chinese and Swiss governments on this project, the fees are low. I think choosing to study at SUPSI can lower the financial pressure to my family. Furthermore, after graduating from SUPSI, I will become more coF / 5 $ % / Dmpetitive and enjoy a more positive prospect in future job market.

  Finally, thank you for your reading again. I am seriously interested in studying at your univeN ( n O irsity.

  Lookin# T , (g forward to hearing from you and with best regards to you.

  Yours faithfully,



2021-3-13 15:31:34



2021-3-15 15:30:57

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