
  出国留学,现在已经越来越普遍。 而 动机信是留学申请中的重要材料,很多学生面对这类写作不知道如何下手。别担心,接下来出国留学网小编带来了出国留学动机信范文一篇,供同学们参考与阅读。

  Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, No. 100 Waihuan Xi Road, Guangzhou Higher Educat. ~ D ^ p Z 2 .ion Mee k f } - OgaCenter, Panyu District, Guangzhou China, 510006

  Dear MrG / O. /Mrs. :

  I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter. This is a letter of my motiva_ j ;tion to apply for the Master degree of Precision Manufacturing(MPM) of University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).

  First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Liu Yang. I’m a first grade postgraduate of Guangdong University of Technology(GDUT). My major is Mechanical Engineering and Automation. I get my bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation at Wuhan University of Technology in 7thJuly, 2007. After I graduated from my university, I worked in Jiangling automobile joint-stock company for about 1year. Then I took the Postgraduate entrance examination and was enrolled in GDUT at last.

  There are some hearty reasons why I like SUPSI and the major of MPM:

  First,Iz H i + % am interested in MPM, fou & + P L z 4r I have been studying in Mechanical Engineer- ing and Automation since I started my university life. It’s well known that this major plays a foundational role of the developing of industry and it is easy for us to find a , in my opinion,is a similar major with Mechanical Engine- ering and tly speaking, it’s the specialization and concretion of Mechanical Engineering and Automab 7 = 2 ytion. MPM in SUPSI based on a set of prominent and well balanced lectures that not only promote indiq , Y # * * y * *vidual profess- nal skills and cultivate their ability but also their creativity, management level and shape attitude. I think I can get more professional knowledges than I can get inland and extend my knowledge fields to enhance my competitive strength.



2021-2-21 15:28:03



2021-2-23 15:29:33

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